5 Simple Steps to Become a Sustainable Brand

5 Simple Steps to Become a Sustainable Brand


Consumers are increasingly interested in brands that are committed to the environment. They want them to become responsible while offering sustainable products.

Becoming a sustainable brand is a real challenge for companies. They need this commitment to boost their attractiveness and increase their sales.

The success of this ambition relies on various marketing actions, such as the use of biodegradable packaging, the reduction of C02 emissions, and the use of products of sustainable origin.

In this article, we will discuss the different steps to becoming a sustainable brand and you will find 10 examples. You can ask for help from one of our branding agencies to develop or strengthen your commitments.

How to Become a Sustainable Brand?

Promising a social and environmental commitment remains an optional marketing option for companies.

However, becoming a sustainable brand has significant advantages, both in terms of managing the company’s commercial image and conquering the market.

This marketing strategy arouses the interest of new prospects because it helps to build customer loyalty. It guarantees, therefore, the growth and expansion of the company’s horizon.

1- Convince your targets with a well-founded cause

There is a wide choice of marketing actions to capture the attention of customers. We can mention the fight against:

  • Poverty,
  • Improving access to healthcare and education,
  • The reduction of waste or the use of recyclable raw materials.

It is, therefore, necessary to start by choosing the cause that the brand will support to carry out its marketing strategies.

It will be a real commitment for each company in the years to come. It is therefore advisable to choose a well-founded and interesting cause in the eyes of consumers.

2- Choose a commitment that corresponds to the brand’s identity

The chosen marketing action must be conducive to the overall activities of brands that choose to engage in sustainable practices. It must highlight the company’s identity. It is therefore important to choose a cause that corresponds to a brand characteristic.

If your commitment is to fight against the high cost of living, you can, for example, encourage your targets to buy at reduced prices.

Also, invite them to fight against food waste by offering medium-quality products that the big stores do not want to sell.

Marketing operations are to be chosen according to the identity and value of the company:

  • Eliminating plastic from product packaging. A company specializing in the manufacture of beer in Spain opts for this commitment by exchanging shrink plastics for recyclable cardboard boxes.
  • Commitment to increasing the life span of manufactured items. The goal is to attract the crowd with clothing, shoes, bags, and accessories that are both environmentally friendly and durable. This longevity of products also helps reduce the carbon footprint.
  • Raising awareness for healthy living. In the fight against breast cancer, for example, your company can encourage women to self-examine. You can also educate them on the right things to do and eat to prevent or fight this deadly disease.

Based on your own skills, you can easily find an interesting cause. To do so, you just have to be creative and let your imagination run wild.

3- Prioritize exchanges

The quest for proximity with customers is one of the foolproof marketing strategies to promote a brand. You can organize a discussion session with many consumers.

Take advantage of such an opportunity to discuss subjects that your customers don’t dare to talk about on a daily basis. They will be free to give their opinions and express their doubts or misgivings about the brand.

An engaged brand gives more importance to dialogues. It takes advantage of their meeting with their fans to present their operations and emphasize an engaging subject, like recycling or energy saving.

4- Broadcast messages that match your mindset

Forget mass marketing by personalizing your messages. They must also be aligned with your mindset. To do this, you can call on the services of a specialist in auditing your company’s marketing operations and communication strategy.

They will use this information to design messages that are both inclusive and authentic. They must evoke your commitment.

5- Promote brand engagement

Consumers need to be kept informed of the company’s commitment in order to improve the brand’s image.

To do this, various forms of marketing campaigns are available to you:

  • Display print,
  • Radio,
  • TV spots,
  • Etc.

Web media, especially social networks, are also effective in capturing the attention of individuals and professionals in various fields. Use hashtags to impact more targets.

Do not neglect the quality of visuals either. Focus on emotional marketing by releasing fun and original renderings. This way, the engagement will follow a two-way street, as Internet users will not linger to engage in their turn.

10 Examples of Sustainable Brands

Earning the trust of consumers requires a clear commitment to the environment and society.

To create sustainable brands, you can take inspiration from the top 10 interesting marketing operations carried out by companies specialized in various fields.

1- Levi’s recycling and water reduction

Thanks to denim, professionals can create new jeans. However, this material requires a large amount of water, which is detrimental to the ecology. Levi’s took the initiative to reduce the amount of water used by up to 96%.

The company is committed to sustainability during the manufacturing process. It also favors recycling old jeans and using cotton, a material of sustainable origin.

By creating this kind of engaging, appealing content that captures the cinematic codes of the younger generation, the brand is sending a strong message to millennials.

In addition, to support its words, Levi’s uses influencer marketing with well-known personalities in the fields of cinema, football, and environmental activism. We can see Jaden Smith, Emma Chamberlain, Marcus Rashford, Xiye Bastida, and Melati Wijsen.

2- Encouraging repair of household appliances, according to Darty

Darty is committed to encouraging users to repair home appliances. According to figures from a recent study, in France, discarded household equipment exceeds 400,000 tons each year.

The company is thus involved in the fight against the early obsolescence of household appliances. It offers two marketing solutions that meet its ambition, including

  • specific labeling for appliances deemed reliable and repairable;
  • a subscription to repairing household appliances.

3- Reminder of the importance of sorting by Sézane

The brand wants to give a second life to its old clothes and accessories, instead of throwing them away. It invites its customers to send back to the company the blouses, shirts or knits signed “Sézanne”.

The recovered items are then sent to their partners and will become recycled materials.

4- Encouraging respect for the soil and biodiversity of Danone and Retail France

The two professionals are joining forces to encourage the French to take a greater interest in new agricultural practices. Thus, they will intervene in turn to finance projects for the benefit of farmers.

The objective is to promote marketing actions that respect the soil, biodiversity, and the well-being of wildlife.

To do this, Danone and Retail France are launching two techniques, including :

  • The operation allows paying a part of the price of a product to finance the projects of farmers engaged in sustainable marketing operations.
  • A vote for each click is made on the Auchan.fr website. The themes addressed are organic farming, biodiversity, and soil preservation.

5- Changing driving behavior, according to AXA Prévention

As a sustinable brand, AXA Prévention focuses on accident prevention. According to a recent study, 70% of French people admit that they never take their smartphone off the wheel. AXA Prévention encourages drivers to change their behavior while driving.

AXA Prévention uses a variety of channels and media to spread its messages, including TV spots, poadcasts and publications on its website and social networks.

6- The fight against plastic, according to Dove

The sustinable brand highlights three commitments:

  • The fight against plastic
  • The use of less plastic
  • The use of the best plastic

It wants to reduce its production of this harmful material by 2025.

To do this, Dove is conducting various marketing operations by replacing plastic packaging with coatings made from other biodegradable materials.

Shampoo and cream containers will be designed using 100% recyclable plastic. The brand is also preparing to manufacture stainless steel deodorant sticks to better meet consumer demands.

7- H&M and the use of organic materials

Within the fashion industry, H&M has become one of the many sustainable clothing brands by committing itself to the preservation of biodiversity. It has just launched a collection made of 100% natural and sustainable materials, such as recycled polyester, recycled nylon, and organic cotton.

The company is committed to reducing its environmental footprint through the exclusive use of eco-friendly fabrics and sustainable design processes.

Its ambition is to use only sustainable materials by 2030. Thus, it is one of those brands that meet the requirements of its customers.

8- Product quality control at Lidl

By controlling the quality of foodstuffs, the brand avoids waste. It collects perishable products in crates and contributes to the idea of zero waste. The crates are even made of cardboard: recyclable packaging.

They concern fruits, vegetables, flowers, and bread whose condition does not meet the expectations of the most demanding. These products are then offered at low prices in supermarkets.

9- Clean and healthy makeup from Milk Makeup

More than 70% of women wear makeup before going out every morning. They now want the companies involved in this sector to behave like real brands committed to biodiversity.

Without being harmful, Milk Makeup products are vegan. They are made of natural raw materials and animal by-products. The brand thus favors awareness of the impact of makeup on the environment and ecology.

It seeks to promote “healthy beauty” by removing certain ingredients from its products, such as sulfates, parabens, and mineral oils.

10 – Nestlé and reusable packaging

The company is now among sustainable brands committed to the environment. It is starting by reworking its product packaging to carry out its marketing and environmental strategy.

By 2050, its packaging will be both recyclable and reusable.

The brand wants to respond to constructive criticism dating back to 2018. Once acquired, it is poised to become one of the big players in the reduction of carbon emissions.

Beware of Green Washing or Social Washing

In order not to disappoint targets, a brand has to deliver on its values and promises. Consumers are undoubtedly interested in any subject related to the preservation of ecology. This is why green marketing is essential in our society today.

This is why many companies want to be eco-friendly. It is therefore essential not to make the mistake of not reviewing one’s ecological commitments.

What is greenwashing?

Also called “greenwashing” or “greening”, greenwashing is a marketing process aiming at spreading a misleading ecological argument to its targets. It can consist in changing the packaging to promise healthy and green elements.

A brand can add plants, flowers, or fruits to the packaging. However, these natural ingredients are only present in small quantities in the product.

Nevertheless, when the consumer sees the packaging, he or she is already happy to have purchased a natural, healthy, and ecological item. Greenwashing is therefore considered a completely illegal practice.

Some concrete examples of greenwashing

Greenwashing takes different forms:

  • Detour of attention. In 2011, H&M launched a collection of clothes made of environmentally friendly materials, including Econyl, 100% recyclable, and organic cotton. It ended up diverting the attention of its targets with marketing actions emphasizing environmental commitments. It has also launched operations that do not correspond to this communication.
  • The problem of transparency. In 2009, the EDF campaign promises a commitment to ecology. It concerns the change of energy whose objective is to encourage the general public to use energy solutions. The objective is to fight global warming. However, EDF only devotes about 2% of its total research and development budget to this project.

How to Be Sponsored by a Sustainable Brand in 3 Steps

Sponsorship is a trendy communication technique to promote their brand. It is a marketing tool that conveys the image, value, identity, and commitment of the company.

With a convincing case and by launching an event corresponding to its commitment, you have a better chance of being sponsored by sustainable brands.

1- Organize an eco-responsible event

By adopting an exemplary approach, an association, a community or a group of students can easily convince sustainable brands.

They will certainly not hesitate to sponsor operations based on the fight against pollution or the reduction of carbon emissions.

2- Choose an eco-responsible location

Whether indoors or outdoors, sustainable brands are interested in places where the ecological impact of the event will be minimized.

Choose a venue that is accessible on foot or by public transportation. You are also advised to favor eco-responsible buildings.

3- Writing the sponsorship request

The sponsorship request must be both clear and precise. Sustainable brands prefer detailed requests that include figures.

Also, avoid long texts and personalize your request with the identity, values, and motivations of your association.


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