mother's day marketing
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23 Data-Driven Tactics for Mother’s Day Marketing Success in 2024


Mother’s Day brings in billions of dollars in sales every year in the US alone. In fact, in 2023, Americans anticipated spending nearly $36 billion on Mother’s Day — a significant $15 billion rise since 2013. So what can you do for the Mother’s Day marketing strategy?

In the UK, Mother’s Day sales have consistently reached over 1.2 billion British pounds since 2019.

In other words …

Whether you run a local brick-and-mortar store, international online shop, or hybrid business, it’s pivotal to get ahead of the Mother’s Day marketing rush as soon as possible. 

If you’re hunting down data-based Mother’s Day marketing campaign ideas, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, we’re sharing 23 ways you can set yourself up for Mother’s Day marketing success in 2024. 

Let’s take a look!

Here are 23 Mother’s Day marketing ideas you can use to attract audiences, inspire engagement, and encourage conversions:


1. Customer segmentation for precise targeting

Dive into your customer data to segment your audience based on their purchase behaviour and preferences. 

Tailor each Mother’s Day campaign to target specific groups, such as:

  1. New mothers
  2. Pet mothers
  3. Grandmothers

Use personalised messaging and offers across your marketing channels that resonate with their unique relationship to this special day.

More on segmentation in a bit.

Retargeting and remarketing

2. Personalised retargeting ads 

Display personalised ads to users who’ve visited your site without making a purchase. 

Have these automatically show up in places they visit on the web. For instance, your ads could show up when they’re browsing blog posts on other websites and when they’re scrolling through social media. 

Showcase products they viewed or added to their carts, along with special Mother’s Day discounts, to reel them back. 

Integrate tailoredmessages that remind them why these products make perfect gifts for their moms. (If you have their contact information, add them to segmented email and SMS campaigns, too.)

3. Retargeting ads with social proof

Use retargeting ads across marketing channels that feature user-generated content, reviews, or testimonials about your products or services. 

Highlighting positive feedback from customers can provide social proof and encourage shoppers who might be on the fence about you to make a purchase for Mother’s Day.

4. Remarketing emails for cart abandoners

Use web analytics to identify potential customers who added Mother’s Day gifts to their shopping carts but didn’t complete their purchases. 

Target them with personalised emails reminding them of what they left behind. Consider offering a limited-time discount or free shipping to encourage purchase completion. (Note: You’ll need to ask for email addresses after prospects add items to their carts so you can follow up with them.)

If they consistently reject your offers, consider sending out a feedback form. This can help you pinpoint what’s throwing them off. This might be your checkout flows, shipping costs, or another reason — like high pricing. 

Email campaigns 

5. Email performance analysis for optimising campaigns

Dive into your email campaign metrics from past Mother’s Day promotions to uncover what worked best. 

Look at open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to identify the most effective subject lines, email content, and calls-to-action (CTAs). Use these insights to optimise this year’s Mother’s Day campaigns. 

Be sure to A/B test different elements to continually improve performance.

6. Email segmentation 

Segment your current email list based on demographics, past purchase behaviour, and engagement levels. 

Send targeted Mother’s Day messages that are more likely to resonate with each lead segment. This means you’ll use different sales copy, offers, and product recommendations for your “new mother audience segment,” than you would for “pet mothers” and “grandmothers.”

Mother's Day Mother’s Day marketing example.
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7. Personalised gift recommendations via email for existing customers

Use customer purchase history and browsing behaviour data to email personalised product recommendations to existing customers. 

Offer curated gift ideas for Mother’s Day based on their unique preferences or past purchases, making it easier for them to find the perfect gift. 

Go the extra mile by sending them personalised shopping guides.

8. Automated email campaigns

Leverage behavioural intelligence to observe new shoppers’ interests on your website and tailor automated email campaigns accordingly. 

Use lead magnets and gated content to grab their email addresses while they’re on your site. (For instance, you could use a special discount, downloadable gift guide, or offer a free gift.) 

You’ll also need to set up automated campaigns with your email marketing provider in advance. 

This is the only way prospects will get nudged into your email marketing funnel after they download their freebies. 

Social media campaigns 

9. Event-driven social media contests

Host a social media contest leading up to Mother’s Day. Encourage users to share their favourite memories, funny stories, or why their mom deserves to win a special prize. 

Use data from past contests to identify the most engaging contest formats and platforms. Be sure to also leverage insights to see which prizes generated the most interest and participation. 

If you’ve never run contests before, consider polling your audience to see what they’d like to win.

10. Analytics-driven social media campaigns

Dive into your social media analytics to identify content types and topics that resonate most with your audience. 

Use these insights to create targeted Mother’s Day social media campaigns that speak directly to their interests. 

For instance, if they resonate with videos and cooking content, consider starting a “Cooking with Mom” video series. 

In this case, you and your staff could share videos of yourselves cooking with your moms on social media. Or, you could partner with influencers and have them shoot cooking videos with their moms. 

You could also encourage your audience to share their own at-home cooking with mom videos with a special hashtag to encourage virality and UGC

11. Interactive content in social media Stories

Leverage social media Stories to post interactive polls, quizzes, or question stickers. 

Ask followers about their Mother’s Day:

  • Traditions
  • Memories
  • Gift ideas
  • Needs
  • Plans

Use data from these interactions to tailor your social media marketing messages and product recommendations.

12. Influencer and affiliate Marketing

Collaborate with influencers and affiliate marketers to spread the word about your Mother’s Day deals. 

If you’re on a limited budget or would like to work with many partners, consider reaching out to micro or nano influencers. These brand advocates have ultra-niche, ready-to-buy audiences and cost a fraction of the price.

Get inspired by the following example by Cruise America, a business that offers RV rentals in Florida and other locations:

Mother's Day Mother’s Day marketing example.
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In this campaign, Cruise America partnered with nano influencer Rebekah Blakey (@withtheblakeys) and other advocates who shared the same target audience: Adventure travellers. 

Rebekah shared a heartfelt post about how she spent Mother’s Day. Coupled with a travel Reel of her and her daughter, Rebekah revealed how much she values RV travel — and her daughter’s shared love for adventure.  

Genuine endorsements like these can help you reach larger or more refined audiences. They also lend credibility to your offers, which can influence more purchases. 

13. Social listening for real-time engagement

Use social listening tools to monitor mentions of Mother’s Day, gift shopping, and related topics across social platforms. 

Engage in these conversations in real time to offer helpful suggestions, highlight your promotions, or simply participate. Learn from these interactions to improve your campaign messages, products, and offers. 

Engaging with users can also boost social media post visibility and attract leads to your business profiles.

14. Social media sentiment analysis

Harness social media listening tools to analyse sentiment around Mother’s Day conversations. 

Identify trending topics, hashtags, and sentiments to craft messages that resonate emotionally and topically with your audience. Use this data to create content that taps into current discussions.

Mother's Day Mother’s Day marketing example.
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Customer loyalty campaigns 

15. Loyalty program specials

Cater to your existing loyalty program customers by offering them exclusive Mother’s Day deals or a points boost on purchases for the holiday. 

Use your loyalty program data to personalise these offers based on their previous engagement and purchase history. Pulling out the red carpet for them can help them feel extra valued and encourage repeat business.

16. Customer lifetime value analysis for targeted upsells

Analyse your customer database to identify high lifetime value customers and tailor exclusive Mother’s Day offers to them. (These are VIP customers who haven’t joined your loyalty program.)

This might include early access to new products, special bundles, or personalised gift services. Nudge these customers to join your loyalty program, too, for extra savings opportunities. 

Video marketing 

17. Data-driven video marketing

Craft engaging video content that tells compelling stories about your products or services in the context of Mother’s Day. 

Use data from previous video engagements to identify what length, format, and Mother’s Day content themes resonate most with your audience. 

Promote these videos across social media platforms, ads, landing pages, email newsletters, and on your website to maximise visibility and engagement. 

Predictive analytics and automated sales campaigns 

18. Predictive analytics for inventory management and product campaigns 

Leverage predictive analytics to forecast demand for popular Mother’s Day gifts. 

By analysing past sales data, search trends, and social media engagement, you can make sure that you optimise your stock levelsto meet demand.

You can also take advantage of this information to encourage viral product campaigns. 

Highlight high-demand products in your campaigns and use FOMO language, like “time is running out” or “limited supplies,” to nudge leads to conversion. 

19. AI chatbot selling and support to automate sales 

Deploy an AI chatbot on your website to offer instant, contextually relevant offers and support to Mother’s Day shoppers. 

Be sure to train your chatbot how to give visitors personalised assistance, improve their shopping experiences, and present relevant upsells and offers.

20. Personalisation engines for product recommendations

Implement a personalisation engine on your website that uses customers’ browsing and purchasing history to recommend personalised Mother’s Day gifts. 

This can increase conversion rates by showing shoppers the products that are most relevant to their interests and previous behaviours.

21. Guided selling experiences for data-driven shopping recommendations 

Enhance the shopping experience by implementing product discovery quizzes on your website. 

These quizzes can help customers effortlessly find the perfect Mother’s Day gifts by guiding them through a curated selection based on their responses, making the gift-giving process both personal and thoughtful. 

Guided selling experiences also help you collect first-party data and valuable quiz results so you can further refine your marketing approach.

For instance, you may learn that shoppers value using your retail packaging supplies to create custom Mother’s Day gift baskets, boxes, or bags. You might also learn the exact sizes, colours, and materials they prefer buying most. 

Packaging Supplies Packaging supply options.
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With this data in hand, you can create personalised campaigns that highlight these supplies with special discounts. 

You can also set up automated and segmented emails for future Mother’s Day campaigns so shoppers receive ultra-personalised offers.

More data-driven strategies for Mother’s Day marketing success 

22. Contextual advertising 

Place ads in strategic, relevant content spaces, such as within Mother’s Day shopping guides or podcast episodes about Mother’s Day gift ideas. 

This targeted approach helps your marketing messages reach an audience that’s already interested in purchasing Mother’s Day gifts.

23. SEO Content for Mother’s Day 

Create SEO content related to Mother’s Day for your website, blog, social media, email, and other channels. Go the extra mile by crafting content for top-of-the-funnel, middle-of-the-funnel, and bottom-of-the-funnel prospects. 

This strategy can help you attract organic search traffic from potential customers looking for gift ideas and recommendations.

Mother’s Day Mother’s Day marketing example.
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Make sure to strategise, create, and schedule your SEO content in advance so it has enough time to attract shoppers. Target keywords with high search volume and low-competition so you can fast-track rankings. 

Add CTAs to relevant Mother’s Day specials throughout your content. 


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Wrap up 

Get ready for Mother’s Day now by implementing some of the strategies we covered in this list.

Study the above tactics — and consider your specific business goals and target audience. 

Then, test the ones that make the most sense for your business. For good measure, bookmark this article and share it with your marketing team. 

That’s it for now. 

Here’s to your success!


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