Sales & Customer Success

34 articles in Sales & Customer Success
Chatbots in Customer Service: Revolutionising User Experience

Chatbots in Customer Service: Revolutionising User Experience

11 October 2023 ∙ 11 minutes of reading time

In an era where consumers wield the power of choice, their preferences and experiences are of ultimate importance. User experience encompasses every touchpoint a user has with a brand, from the first contact to the final interaction. As businesses vie for consumer loyalty in a competitive market, delivering an exceptional UX has become a critical […]

By Roy Emmerson
Business Services
The Future of AI in Sales: Embracing Innovation and Continuous Improvement

Sales AI: 9 Best Ways You Can Use AI in Sales

24 May 2023 ∙ 9 minutes of reading time

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged from the shadows of technological novelty to take centre stage as a transformative force in sales. No longer a mere buzzword, AI is redefining the way businesses approach sales, offering a powerful toolkit for enhancing efficiency, driving customer engagement, and propelling revenue growth. As AI swiftly cements […]

By Alesia Pop
Business Services
managing customer data

Maximizing the Value of Managing Customer Data: B2B Guide

23 January 2023 ∙ 8 minutes of reading time

Having access to customer data is a powerful business enabler. It provides you with the opportunity to get to know your customers better, optimize your marketing efforts, and make decisions that will maximize the value of your business.  In this guide, we will explore vital components of successful client data management and the advantages of […]

By Anne-Gaëlle Sy
Business Services
sell online courses from your own website

8 Tips To Develop & Sell Online Courses From Your Own Website

9 January 2023 ∙ 6 minutes of reading time

With the advent of COVID-19, our daily life has become more digitalized. This includes building new skills through online courses rather than attending one-on-one training or ordering food online from a food restaurant that’s just a few meters away. Starts to sell online courses from your website today! Recent statistics estimated the e-learning market worth […]

By Sortlist Team
Business Services
demand generation

7 Steps to Creating a Strong Demand Generation Strategy

27 December 2022 ∙ 8 minutes of reading time

In recent years, you probably must have come across the term “demand generation” a lot. This data-driven marketing program assists the inbound methodologies in driving interest and awareness throughout the lifecycle of the customers and buyers.  However, in the B2B market, there is a lot of mixed messaging surrounding the terms “lead generation” and “demand […]

By Anne-Gaëlle Sy
Business Services
5 Trends to Boost Your B2B Targeted Leads

5 Trends to Boost Your B2B Targeted Leads

20 September 2022 ∙ 7 minutes of reading time

B2B lead generation is an important process when it comes to increasing your brand awareness and revenue. Here in this post, you will read about B2B lead generation, B2B targeted leads, and the trends to boost your B2B leads. Eventually, the knowledge would help you generate more high-quality targeted leads with higher conversion potential.  What […]

By Parichehr Parsi
Business Services
7 Restaurant CRM Systems to Augment Your Bottom Line

7 Restaurant CRM Systems to Augment Your Bottom Line

19 September 2022 ∙ 8 minutes of reading time

The boundaries of a stellar restaurant experience stretch beyond just what happens at the table. And when it comes to your restaurant business, the sole focus on maximizing profits cannot guarantee success. Cultivating relationships with people is essential in a restaurant business. The philosophy behind this statement is simple – Acquiring new customers is 6-7x more […]

By Anne-Gaëlle Sy
Business Services
hyper personalization

Hyper Personalization on the Web: Increased Sales Through an Optimized Customer Journey

9 May 2022 ∙ 7 minutes of reading time

This article is a guest post by the digital agency cierra. The declared goal of hyper personalization is to treat users as unique individuals thanks to customized information in order to optimize the customer experience. A personalized approach to customers in marketing is not new; after all, personalized newsletters & co. have been around for […]

By cierra
Business Services
objection handling

Objection Handling: How to Counter Objections With Proven Techniques

15 March 2022 ∙ 4 minutes of reading time

This is a guest article from acquisa, the online magazine for marketing and sales. As an accomplished salesperson, you know that: before a customer finally decides to complete a purchase, they have one or two objections as to why he or she doesn’t actually need the product or service. Potential buyers want to be convinced […]

By Juliane Becker
Business Services
agency pitch

9 Essential Questions to Ask During an Agency Pitch

24 January 2022 ∙ 4 minutes of reading time

When you want to work with an agency, they usually make a business pitch. Most of the time, these pitches focus on the agency’s functional capabilities. These include: That said, before choosing an agency, it is necessary to go beyond its functional capabilities. You have to dig deeper and go beyond the commercial catchphrases. In […]

By Tancrède d'Aspremont Lynden
Sales & Customer Success
How to Use Confirmation Bias to Your Advantage and Drive Sales

How to Use Confirmation Bias to Your Advantage and Drive Sales

29 November 2021 ∙ 7 minutes of reading time

Confirmation bias refers to our tendency to recall, favor and remember information that aligns with our own values. In essence, we are more likely to support businesses or favor ads that confirm our beliefs than those which do the opposite. Recall the last time you saw a new product from big brands like “Apple” or […]

By Raúl Galera
Business Services
agency vs freelance

Agency vs Freelancer: Which One Should You Choose?

17 November 2021 ∙ 4 minutes of reading time

As a client, you face a dilemma when it comes to getting help from an outside provider. Agency vs freelancer? Indeed, this is a question we hear very often and it is impossible to give you a ready-made answer. The choice of one or the other will depend on your needs. There is no right […]

By Tancrède d'Aspremont Lynden
Sales & Customer Success
sales persona

How to Effectively Increase Sales With the Right Buyer/Sales Persona

3 November 2021 ∙ 6 minutes of reading time

How do you connect with your potential client? Why does a business require initial contact with customers? It’s because the company needs to build trust and gain loyalty from their future customers. The sales pitch plays a vital role in creating this trust with the target audience and converting them into happy customers. Businesses no […]

By Anne-Gaëlle Sy
Sales & Customer Success
Optimising Your Benefit Segmentation Strategy For Your Customers

Optimising Your Benefit Segmentation Strategy For Your Customers

13 October 2021 ∙ 6 minutes of reading time

Today, everyone is busy promoting their business using new technological tools. To compete with other brands, people keep looking for ways to attract new audiences and generate leads. So what is benefit segmentation? Inbound marketing is one such strategy used for lead generation. If you want your business to keep growing, you must plan according […]

By Anne-Gaëlle Sy
Sales & Customer Success
complaint management

Complaint Management: The Path to Customer Satisfaction

6 October 2021 ∙ 6 minutes of reading time

Companies have always had to deal with criticism and complaints from their customers. But the age of the internet, and especially social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, have opened up a whole new dimension of complaint management. Today, a customer can get in touch with brands directly and publish testimonials and assessments of […]

By Sandra Redlich
Sales & Customer Success
How To Drive Conversions Up By 70%: 8 Actionable Tips

How To Drive Conversions Up By 70%: 8 Actionable Tips

27 September 2021 ∙ 7 minutes of reading time

If you have a business, chances are, you aim to attract customers and drive conversions. And this is not surprising: to survive, a business needs to take customers through its conversion funnel but unfortunately, this is far from being easy.  In fact, website conversion rate is usually only around 2%. This means that out of […]

By Georgi Mamajanyan
Sales & Customer Success
consumer insights

Your Business Can’t Thrive Without Consumer Insights

7 September 2021 ∙ 6 minutes of reading time

If you know what is going on inside your customers’ minds, what their wishes, problems, and needs are, this is the key to your company’s success. With this information, you can offer products and services that are precisely tailored to your customers’ needs and thus create long-term brand loyalty among satisfied consumers. This is exactly […]

By Valerie Ritter
Advertising & Marketing
customer journey management

Get Your Customers to Love You With Customer Journey Management

2 September 2021 ∙ 6 minutes of reading time

Your entire business success is dependent on your customer’s journey. If you ask yourself what that means, then this guide to customer journey management will help you. You can learn to deliver the customer experience that your customers expect from your brand. Customer journey management is not a marketing campaign. It’s a strategy that seeks […]

By Anne-Gaëlle Sy
Advertising & Marketing
Market Segmentation Theory: Unveiling the Myths of Interests

Market Segmentation Theory: Unveiling the Myths of Interests

23 August 2021 ∙ 6 minutes of reading time

At its core, the market segmentation theory assumes that there is no correlation between short-term and long-term interest rates, and the interest rate for each different maturity segment is different from the other. Introduced in 1957 by John Mathew Culbertson, an American economist, the theory works on the premise that each bond securities market segment […]

By Gaurav Roy
Advertising & Marketing
WWWWWH: How to Use It For Project Management

WWWWWH: How to Use It For Project Management

18 August 2021 ∙ 9 minutes of reading time

How to successfully manage projects with the WWWWWH method? The ability to ask the right questions and to provide clear answers is part of a project manager’s skill set. It is necessary to know how to identify the pitfalls by favouring articulated questions and clear and explicit answers. Fortunately, there is a solution for this: […]

By Anne-Gaëlle Sy
Business Services
types of audiences

Mini-Guide To Understanding the Types of Audiences For Your Business

10 August 2021 ∙ 7 minutes of reading time

Customer experience is at the heart of the purchasing process, and marketers must develop focused, tailored experiences if they want to stand out among a sea of brands and ads. Marketers can make more educated decisions regarding media, messaging, and timing when they have a thorough grasp of the types of audiences they are to […]

By Gaurav Roy
Business Services
customer service trends

The Latest Customer Service Trends for 2021

9 August 2021 ∙ 5 minutes of reading time

At the beginning of this year, some trends were already announced in the field of customer service. In this article, we will take a look at how realistic those predictions were and what we can expect from the rest of this year. What are the latest developments, which (former) trends can we say goodbye to […]

By Anne-Gaëlle Sy
Advertising & Marketing
revenue operations

A-Z Guide to Getting Started With Revenue Operations (RevOps)

26 July 2021 ∙ 7 minutes of reading time

As digital user experience evolves, the need for different departments to share information has grown; revenue operations (RevOps) is the best strategy to bring them together and more accurately measure the return on investment (ROI).  The RevOps team can act as the central hub for user information for your company, with a focus on user […]

By Gaurav Roy
Advertising & Marketing
Simple Guide to Market Based Pricing

Simple Guide to Market Based Pricing

21 June 2021 ∙ 6 minutes of reading time

When you own a business, setting the prices for your items and services is often one of the most challenging tasks. If you set the prices too high, your sales could decline. If you set them low, then you may miss out on sizeable revenue. The skill is in knowing how to get the market […]

By Anne-Gaëlle Sy
Business Services
lifecycle marketing

Lifecycle Marketing for Customers: From Client to Brand Marketer

4 May 2021 ∙ 7 minutes of reading time

Customer lifecycle marketing is a rapidly growing concept in the marketing world that generates goodwill, and, when executed properly, continues the customer journey until the customer becomes a firm supporter of a business or a service. It aims to turn prospects into customers and customers into brand advocates – and thus turning the sales funnel […]

By Anne-Gaëlle Sy
Advertising & Marketing

A Beginner’s Guide to CRM Consulting

20 April 2021 ∙ 5 minutes of reading time

No matter what type of business you can think of, CRM is the heart of its client management process. These days, its become a necessity for quality service no matter the size of the company. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in CRM consulting, then this guide will help you get started. We’ll take […]

By Anne-Gaëlle Sy
Advertising & Marketing

How to Use Salesforce To Increase Customer Retention

12 April 2021 ∙ 7 minutes of reading time

Customer relationship management (CRM) is about overseeing and nurturing a company’s interactions and relationships with potential and existing customers. As a leading CRM solution, Salesforce offers a vast range of tools to help build and manage these relationships, boost business growth, bolster marketing efforts, and much more. These efforts go hand-in-hand with customer retention, which […]

By Anne-Gaëlle Sy
Sales & Customer Success
6 Unique and Creative Ideas for 'Get to Know Your Customers Day'

6 Unique and Creative Ideas for ‘Get to Know Your Customers Day’

12 April 2021 ∙ 7 minutes of reading time

Customers are the backbone of any business. For your business to be profitable, it’s vital that you know who your target market is, what their preferences are, and match your products to their needs. Regular trend analysis and communication go a long way to knowing your target market, but one of the best tools you […]

By Anne-Gaëlle Sy
Advertising & Marketing
What is the Best Way to Generate Leads?

What is the Best Way to Generate Leads?

11 January 2021 ∙ 13 minutes of reading time

Every business knows that there’s a constant struggle for new ways to generate sales. Anybody familiar with the business environment has heard that the company needs to generate leads. However, to the uninitiated, the words have little meaning. Join us as we take a closer look at what leads are, why they’re useful, and how […]

By Sarah Madimba
Advertising & Marketing
3 Major Benefits of a Third-Party Verification

3 Major Benefits of a Third-Party Verification

14 December 2020 ∙ 7 minutes of reading time

In a time of constant competition, customer acquisition matters more than ever. However, it’s not a proper strategy to recklessly and heedlessly accept every caller as a customer. Many callers wish to find out more about a product or service. However, not many of them will go on to become customers. Accordingly, it’s vital to […]

By Sarah Madimba
Advertising & Marketing
business consulting

Important Questions to Ask Yourself about Business Consulting

14 December 2020 ∙ 12 minutes of reading time

You’ve probably heard the term ‘business consulting’ and wondered what it is. If so, you’re not alone. Interest in business consulting is increasing rapidly, and it is no surprise that big businesses spend millions on consulting every year. By definition, a consultant is someone who gives expert advice as part of their profession. A business […]

By Sarah Madimba
Advertising & Marketing
A Guide to Customer Loyalty: How to Effectively Retain Your Customers

A Guide to Customer Loyalty: How to Effectively Retain Your Customers

17 August 2020 ∙ 18 minutes of reading time

In business, customer loyalty is crucial to your company’s success. How do you build trust and loyalty with your clientele? Learn more here!

By Alyzza Junett Cabuenas
Advertising & Marketing
10 Best Sales Advice in Times of Crisis

10 Best Sales Advice in Times of Crisis

11 May 2020 ∙ 9 minutes of reading time

It is no surprise that you may be looking for some sales advice.  The current economy is in a state of unprecedented uncertainty. Let’s take the example of France. The latest indicators relayed by INSEE are quite revealing. Economic activity on 24 April 2020 is estimated to have fallen by 35%, more than 10 million […]

By Olivier Danniau
Sales & Customer Success
Website Design Quote: Finding Your Way Around the Numbers

Website Design Quote: Finding Your Way Around the Numbers

3 May 2018 ∙ 7 minutes of reading time

The last step in the process of choosing your web design agency is in most cases, to analyze the quotes written by different providers. However, it is often difficult to find your way around these different offers. The purpose of this article is to provide you with concrete elements, which you can use when comparing […]

By Sortlist Team
Sales & Customer Success

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